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Divorce Can Come at a Devastating Price

A divorce is more than just ending a relationship that has gone bad. While that’s certainly the primary goal, it involves dozens of details and, when any one of them is handled poorly, it can lead to costly consequences. This is why it’s recommended to always consult divorce lawyers in Lake County, IL, before pursuing any matter in family court.

In rare cases, a couple may be able to part amicably and keep things civil, especially if minor children are concerned. In this situation, the couple may decide to try mediation, instead of going through a lengthy and adversarial divorce proceeding. This is a preferable way to proceed and it can save money and time, but that doesn’t mean you should proceed without hiring an attorney. Lawyers working on both sides can help the couple keep a tighter control over their emotions and can facilitate negotiations by offering suggestions for compromise.

When a couple does go to divorce court, they will likely disagree of many different issues. First, there’s the issue of distributing the assets. Without proper representation, you may lose more assets than you should, or you may not be able to hold onto specific items that hold sentimental or personal significance for you. Your attorney may be able to suggest alternatives that the judge will be likely to accept. While you won’t win every small battle, you may be able to gain a favorable determination in some of them.

In addition to the division of assets, the court will also look at requests for support. Even if there are no minor children involved, one spouse may be requesting support payments to maintain a standard quality of living. While there are specific equations in place to help the judge establish support requirements, the factors he considers are submitted by both parties in the divorce. Your lawyer will know which evidence and documents to submit to help benefit your situation. This can make a difference, if you’ll be the only paying support.

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These are just a few of the issues that will be addressed in court, during a divorce proceeding. As this brief overview suggests, you can end up sacrificing more than you should without proper legal representation. Your spouse will undoubtedly be represented by an attorney, so failing to hire your own legal advocate can start you off at a great disadvantage.